The USEJ Electoral Committee has counted and released the results of the USEJ elections.
The Electoral Committee of USEJ has completed its task on 26 July 2019.As of 17:00 the voting officially closed and no papers or emails received after this time have been counted. The results have been calculated based on the ballots received from eligible members.
This was based on a list of 70 participants 30 of whom cast ballots. This was a turnout of 42.86%
The five member elects of the executive committee are in the order of ranking
Rank Executive Committee Votes
1 Jakov Minic 25
2 Tiny Oosterling 22
3 Lucia Conti 21
4 Anne-Gaelle Deumie 20
5 Anzhel Sarkisyan 18The two member elects of the US EJ Audit Board are in the order of ranking
Audit Board Votes
Csaba Sandberg 28
*** *** 20The attached spreadsheet was used to count and calculate the election results based on ballots cast. The ballots are available for inspection secured in a sealed envelope which will be provided to a member of the outgoing Executive Committee on Monday 29 July 2019
The Election Committee of US EJ declare these proceedings closed