Welcome to USEJ, the first Trade Union of Eurojust, representing more than 40 EJ staff members.
Our mission
Our purpose is to serve and defend the economic, social, professional and moral interests of our members and of the staff of Eurojust without any discrimination based on any ground such as category, sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, or sexual orientation.
We are affiliated to the Union Syndicale Fédérale, and we share its principle and values.
While maintaining our independence, we work closely with the EJ Staff Committee, which has been instrumental in setting up our Union.
We also maintain an open channel of communication with our Administrative Director and the Management to ensure the social dialogue is and remains one of the key focus of our organisation.
Our history
We are the first Trade Union of Eurojust, formed on 27-05-2016 by temporary and contract agents in service of Eurojust in The Hague, The Netherlands.
We have been successfully registered as an Informal Association with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, which ensures our status as an independent Trade Union.
If you want to read more about our history, you can check this issue of AGORA, the magazine of the Union Syndicale Fédérale, which features an interview with our President, Jakov Minic.
Our Committee
Our Executive Commitee is composed by Jakov Minic (President), Lucia Conti (Vice-President), Anne-Gaëlle Deumié (PR Officer), and Tiny Oosterling (Treasurer).
Get in touch!
Do you want to know more about our activities or give us feedback or suggestions?
Then get in touch with us or contact directly one of the members of the Executive Committee.