now that the elections are over, we thought you might want to know something more about the new Executive Committee. In the coming weeks, all the new members will introduce themselves on the website, but for today, we decided to start with no less than our new President, Jakov. Below is a short interview with him! If after reading you still have questions, hit us up in the comments!

Dear members, dear colleagues,
I firmly believe that trade unions are a powerful aid to improve the working and living conditions of staff.
This is the reason why in 2016, as a member of the STC, I committed time and energy to setting up Union Syndicale Eurojust (USEJ). Although USEJ is just a toddler, we have achieved our first baby steps:
- one of the rare EU agencies with an officially registered and independent trade union in place;
- a respectable and fruitful relationship with management; and
- affiliation with Union Syndicale Fédérale (USF).
During my mandate as USEJ President, I met with many of you and listened to your general and personal concerns. They were conveyed to Eurojust’s management as well as to the broader audience of USF at the Federal Committee meetings in which I participated.
USEJ has drafted a paper that was adopted at the last Congress in Bratislava into a Resolution on Agencies. It contains topics that should bring us closer to the rights and entitlements enjoyed by EU officials.
USF recently elected me to the Federal Bureau, which will provide an excellent opportunity to participate in the negotiations of the upcoming revision of the Staff Regulations and Conditions of Employment of Other Servants.
Something about me:
Apart from dying my hair, I am a passionate father of 3 kids, a decent bowler, and once a year I make a photo of a bunch of people on a staircase.
Yours, Jakov