As the Vice-President of Union Syndicale Fédérale (USF) responsible for EU Agencies, Jakov Minic has formed a working group with other sections like ours. Every 5-6 weeks CEDEFOP, EUROFOUND, ETF, OSHA, F4E, and EUROJUST meet and share information and ideas. (COVID-19 measures, working from home and abroad, rules on hybrid working, etc.)
This working group also welcomes officials from Union Syndicale Brussels (USB), members of Executive Agencies in Brussels, as well as individual members of USB that do not have a local section (EUSPA – Prague, EASO – Malta).
It turns out that all Agencies are facing similar issues.
In order to create efficiencies, we are trying to find a way to unburden the administrative tasks of local trade union sections and get some help from Brussels.
This has led to the idea of creating one trade union for all agencies – a Union Syndicale Agencies (USA), which will be a section of USB. This would allow the use of USB infrastructures already in place.
If successful, all individual members of USB would be able to participate in elections and have their representative in social dialogue. It will also safeguard any of the six independent trade union sections by allowing them to join into USA.