A USF delegation (J. Minic (Eurojust and USEJ), M. Lopez Aguilar (USF), N. Mavraganis (USF president), C. Scano (USF Representative for the Agencies)), together with a member from Europol (C. Farrar), met with the Chair of the LIBE Committee MEP M. Lopez Aguilar, to discuss current staff issues in Europol. Indeed, Europol staff are facing significant cuts over the coming years, which would not only have a significant human impact, but also prevent Europol from delivering operational support to Member States.
M. Lopez Aguilar showed great concern, and is supportive of USF’s efforts to protect Europol staff. He offered advice on what to do next ahead of the vote of Europol’s budget by the European Parliament.
A Draft memorandum has been prepared, which you can check below.
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